Visiting HVZC
Before you visit
We ask that you arrange a meeting prior to taking part in a formal sitting in order to receive instruction in our zendo protocol. If you have had little or no experience with Zen meditation and/or no experience with Rinzai Zen meditation then attending a half-day Introduction to Zen Meditation is a prerequisite to sitting at HVZC. We offer a Monthly Introductory Workshop, usually on the first Saturday of the month, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon. We suggest wearing loose, comfortable, dark clothing that covers both the shoulders and knees.
Please download an application form and send it to us via e-mail ( or snail mail. Note that our mailing address is different from our physical address. Mailing address: HVZC, Po Box 1355, San Marcos, CA 92079.
— SUNDAY ZAZEN: EVERY SUNDAY, 10am-12pm with Dharma Talk.
Please email us for the password.
PLEASE NOTE: Sesshin, Introductions, Workshops, Retreats and special events override the regular schedule and there may be a reduced schedule when Sensei is out of town. To make sure, please check the online calendar. Please make sure to contact us if you wish to join us for daily sittings, sesshin or other events.

Payment/ Donations
You are welcome to practice us for a few sittings on a donation basis, after which we suggest to join us as a donating member. The teaching at HVZC is free. However, the upkeep and maintenance of the property and buildings are not. We deeply appreciate any help you can offer to cover these costs.
Personal Retreats
Personal Retreats at HVZC are a wonderful way to combine quiet time and spiritual inspiration. Retreats are an opportunity to enjoy your own natural rhythms in an extraordinary setting. A retreat might include time for writing, meditation, yoga, study, reading, or simply quiet time away from the normal routines of your everyday life.
At HVZC, you will find a natural and contemplative environment conducive to rest and renewal. On your retreat, you are free to schedule your own time or, if you wish, we can provide suggestions for retreat schedules. You are always welcome to join our meditation sessions and seasonal gardening.
Those on personal retreat provide their own food and prepare their own vegetarian meals. Bedding is supplied. Retreatants may use the library, meditation room, and other areas.
Hidden Valley Zen Center is located in a beautiful valley in the mountains of San Diego’s North County, adjacent to lots of open space. There are hiking trails nearby and we are a 30min drive away from the Pacific Ocean.
Due to our schedule of sesshins, HVZC is not always available for personal retreats. If you are interested in spending time at HVZC, please send us an email through the contact form below. Be sure to include your requested retreat dates. If you are flying to the area, you will need to rent a car or find public transportation. We are a 50min drive away from San Diego airport.

Things to Know
- Vegetarian food only—We do not serve meat, fish, or poultry at at Hidden Valley Zen Center and ask that no one bring such foods into the temple or onto the grounds.
- Alcohol & drugs—The consumption of any type of alcoholic beverage and the use of recreational drugs is prohibited at HVZC.
- Smoking—Smoking is not permitted in any of the buildings or on the grounds.
- Fire precautions—Due to the extreme danger of fire, candles can only be used during formal practice.
- Shoes—Please bring both easy to slip in shoes and closed work shoes. We do not wear outdoor shoes inside Hidden Valley Zen Centers buildings, however, visitors are welcome to wear house slippers, except for in the zendo.
- Pets—Pets are not allowed at Mountain Gate.
- Strong smells—We ask that visitors not use strong perfumes, shampoos, or cosmetics because their smells can permeate fabrics and linger.
- Cleaning up—Hidden Valley Zen Center has no housekeeping service and retreatants are asked to leave the temple room as it is found: clean and ready for the next person. This includes changing the sheets and pillowcases. There is a very simple clean-up procedure and cleaning materials are furnished. If you are staying over at HVZC, always sleep between the sheets provided or inside your personal sleeping bag as we cannot afford to dry clean blankets after only a single-use.

If you are interested in staying at Hidden Valley Zen Center, please call us or send an e-mail to inquire about room availability. HVZC is closed periodically due to sesshin and other activities.
All rooms are $50/day per person for stays of up to one week. Sorry, but we are unable to accept credit card payments for retreats. Payment must be made at the time of your visit by check, cash or money order.